The Off a Friend contest is back! For those that don’t know the rules and haven’t played, welcome welcome welcome to a painful ending!

Here’s how it works, you nominated someone you love. Yes, love. This isn’t the time for revenge, at least not the kind I know we all have in us. Those people don’t deserve attention. This is the time to bring recognition to your morbid loved one who deserves infamy. You love them so much you want them to die a painful torturous end.


When you off-a-friend, they could also end up as the main character instead (which may or may not be killed off) so you never know… But your nominee will end up as a character in my next book.

So, nominate someone that has a sense of humor. Cause seriously, no one wants to get a nasty email for being killed off and all that. That’s no fun.


Nominate someone you love or care about. (If you’re not into all that mushy stuff)

Winner will be announced with the release of the new cover. The book is Cloaked, the 4th book in the Twisted Fairy Tale short story series. It’s a twisted Little Red Riding Hood story.

If you don’t see the survey below please click here to nominate a loved one


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